Learn to Knit (Beginner) Kits and Gear
Whether you are teaching yourself to knit at home or taking our beginner knitting classes, this collection is designed to provide you with the tools and materials that will make your knitting experience as pleasant and successful as possible.
Two particularly outstanding learn to knit books have been published recently: Knit How by PomPom Publishing and Skill Set by Modern Daily Knitting.
Skill Set focuses on developing one technique at a time and knitting practice squares to master it before applying it in making a garment. It pairs well with the MDK Field Guide No. 18, Beginnings, which contains patterns that can be knit based on the techniques covered in the Skill Set book.
Knit How starts with a two squares (coasters) and then immediately dives into knitting simple fingerless mitts. It is a book of knitting projects designed to expand your skills.
We have kits designed to support each of these books.
Skill Set: Beginning Knitting
$ 19.95